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What I wish everyone knows about happiness


I can usually sense when someone is not genuinely happy. Because at one point, I was that someone.

Now that I know better, I realize I was only surface happy. With a bit of wisdom and determination, I have turned a corner. And you can, too.

According to Happify, scientists have determined that a big chunk of how you feel is under your control, meaning the way you spend your time and the thoughts you allow to linger impact your mood and your long-term happiness.

Here’s a list of 12 little things to boost your happiness every day. And guess what, they don’t cost a cent!

Disclaimer: Even doing one per day is enough :-)

1. Turn up the volume Workers who wear headphones and listen to music experience a sharp increase in productivity over those who don’t. There you go.

2. Dance like no one’s looking Want to feel good? Dance it out.

3. Laugh until you drop It’s no joke: Laughter is the best medicine.

4. Say thank you Take a moment to remind yourself how lucky you really are.

5. Get fresh air Hundreds of studies reveal that spending time in nature provides an added sense of wellbeing.

6. Be kind A dose of niceness goes a long way.

7. Smile at yourself Even a fake smile makes you feel better.

8. Touch base with friends and family Reach out to friends, family, and those weak-tie acquaintances. You’ll immediately feel a sense of community and belonging.

9. Do something social (with people, not online) We are social beings. End stop.

10. Stop and smell the roses - literally pause Make time to be present.

11. Break a sweat Get that body moving. A small amount of physical activity makes a difference.

12. Daydream about a getaway We start to experience a trip the minute we start to plan it.